Wishing all of you, your families and friends a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow. At a time when many are struggling and it can seem as though the stresses of life, the economy, whatever else is posing a challenge in our day to day lives is overwhelming and all consuming, a day devoted to giving thanks is an opportunity to focus on what we can truly be grateful for in our lives.
Thanksgiving isn't about how much the meal costs or what kind of silverware or china you have to adorn the table. It's not about what kind of car you may drive to your Thanksgiving destination or how fancy your house is. It's not about status or putting on a show and impressing others.
Being truly grateful for what you DO have to appreciate in your life is such a simple thing to do but can easily be overshadowed and neglected when the stress of life takes over.
It's much easier to get caught up in and focus on what's "wrong" or lacking in our lives. Tomorrow's a great opportunity to take a moment and appreciate what we do have and can be grateful for no matter how small or taken for granted those things may be.
Whether you spend the day at a large family gathering or just a quiet day at home, I truly hope each of you has a wonderfully relaxing, joyful and memorable Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!