How To Request Your Credit Report
How To Request Your Credit ReportChecking your credit report regularly is a good move and can help protect you from identity theft, find and correct errors or unauthorized access. The Fair Credit Reporting Act guarantees you access to a free credit report from each of the three nationwide reporting agencies Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion every year. There are some other times you are entitled to your report for free such as, if you have been denied credit or insurance and your credit was a part of that decision; you are unemployed and plan to look for a job in the next 60 days; you are on welfare, or if you live in certain states (Connecticut is not one of them). You can always obtain your report by paying for it (currently no more than $10.50) from each of the bureaus at any time, but hey if it is free that is much better. Why spend money if you do not have to?
How to request your credit report, select in one of the three ways:
Online. Make sure that you visit It is the only authorized source of your free annual credit report. Do not be fooled by impostor sites, or come-on's like "FREE" this or that. You need to be prepared to confirm your identity, that will include the usual name/address/social security number as well as if you have a bill with this or that company and about what the monthly payment is. You also need to make sure you follow the onscreen prompts to make sure you end up back at the site so you can request each of your three reports, it is not a one request get all three at one time set up.
By Phone. The phone number to call is 1-877-322-8228.
By Mail. Use this credit report request formto obtain credit report by mail. The link will open a pdf document in a new window. Print the form, complete and mail to: Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. The address will also be on the form.
The Federal Trade Commission has a a great website dedicated to obtaining your free annual credit report. Check it out, there is lots of great information there. They remind you anyone Anyone can write a catchy jingle, but only provides you with a truly free credit report. AnnualCreditReport.comrequires no hidden fees or trial memberships.
How to request your credit report, there are 3 easy ways to make your request. Pick the option you feel most comfortable with and start protecting your identity, and fixing any errors that you may have on your report. A hint on adding identity theft protection, request one report at a time. Spread your requests out throughout the year (say Experian in February, Equifax in July and TransUnion in September) and be able to check your credit three times a year, not just once.